
Third report on economic and social cohesion



The report is likely to have a central role in shaping policy discussions on cohesion and regional development related issues for the foreseeable future, not least because it provides a blueprint for European cohesion policy after EU-enlargement in May 2004 and for the next Structural Funds programming period beyond 2006. It is also highly relevant to academic research in this area, e.g. through the work undertaken within the ESPON research framework

To highlight this important event we will have a number of experts on regional policy and cohesion commenting on the report, its findings and its academic relevance.


  • Abstract viewed - 12 times

Heikki Eskelinen - University of Joensuu, Finland

How to Cite
Eskelinen, H. (2004) “Third report on economic and social cohesion”, European Journal of Spatial Development. Torino, Italy, 2(8), p. 2. Available at: (Accessed: 21 September 2024).